back to dd home from vivo.todae meet val n alex ad plaza there denn go anchorpoint*. to look for our disney natuarlly. ((:
actually asking fel n sher along but they dunn wann.
the food there erm.... ok la. but i bought some stuff to0.
saw the four cutie there.((:
after eating went vivo watch movie.
we watch The Forbidden Kingdom.
the show quite nice la.
actually dunn like it one.
BUT.... hahas.
after movie denn cabbed home.
that all for todae. ((:
Labels: disney naturally, movie.
♥ 10:49 PM
just watch finish enchanted show.
i know this show isnt new but it so nice.
im loving it.
so lovely and omg.
anyway it damn nice.
i love the songs t0o. hahs.
so close lyric. ((:
You’re in my arms
And all the world is calm
The music playing on for only two
So close together
And when I’m with you
So close to feeling alive
A life goes by Romantic dreams will stop
So I bid mine goodbye and never knew
So close was waiting, waiting here with you
And now forever I know
All that I wanted to hold you
So close
So close to reaching that famous happy end
Almost believing this was not pretend
And now you’re beside me and look how far we’ve come
So far we are so close How could I face the faceless days
If I should lose you now?We’re so close
To reaching that famous happy end
And almost believing this was not pretend
Let’s go on dreaming for we know we are
So close So close
And still so far
♥ 6:09 AM
backiee. just came back from geylang. went eat frog porriage.
with sher val fel lulu dd dick n baolai.
anyway nothing much la.
hahas after eating all went home hahs.
tired* ((:
lame uss! :p ((:

♥ 12:00 AM
todae never go anywhere.
stay ad dd house whole day.
playing dota. learning new character all this. hahs.
ad abt 9 plus. fel n bl came.
we prank call lulu. so funny cann.
hahas. denn going 12am they went off le.
denn dd n i start to play dota with hong, des n bl.
so tired now. hmmmms.
Labels: dota, prunk call.
♥ 5:08 AM
today early morning from yesterdae ton till 6am went home bath change n head back to plaza.
the guys wanna eat breakfast.
after eating go take train to harbourfront denn sentosa.
so funn. todae got lulu , dd, bl, dick, marcus, alex, val n fel.
went sentosa sun tan and all.
the guys start to play soccer first denn we gals taking photos.
after that the guys jump into the sea n play. l0ls.
fel n val was wasting their time thinking wanna take off their clothes not. hahs.
im most relax n all. not sun tanning or wad.
but i did make some effort to help the guys build dunno wad shit is that. actually is sand castle.
but i dunn tink that look any kind of sand castle.
it so look like a hole onli.
first we burried alex in the hole denn bl.
hahas. so funn cann n funnie l0ls.
everyone was laughing like hell. alex cant get out of the hole.
n bl one is they make some obscene thing on him. hahs.
after that bl n alex swim far to wash their to0t.
n you know wad. they kanna bitten by jelly fish.
not say bitten la. like that kind of kana shock. l0ls.
denn bl hand was abit swollen but now dunoo how le.
after playing all this they all went to bath.
after bath went vivo to eat cr junior so full cann.
after eating head back home.
everyone was tired. l0ls.
gonna upload photos after val send me. ((:
sorry sher i think todae not meeting le.
because everyone is tired n of cus me. hee.
hope you understand arhs.

acting terrorist

random photos.

lulu the monkey.
me n val creation. crocodile skin.
digging hole. l0ls
so into that hole. like got tresure like that. l0ls.
poor alex.
denn baolai. hahs.

Labels: playing n all., sentosa
♥ 2:49 PM
back! jus now val they all was using com. l0ls.
todae (310408) stay ad home watch 9pm show.
dd n the others went to play bball. ad pcc.
after 9pm show. went dd house.
sher val amy n fel was there. waiting for me. l0ls.
but amy awhile jui go home le.
think she not in a go0d mood. cheer up k mimi. ((:
denn later was thinking going dd house downstair tok.
but dd fall aslp n i scare later i come back nobody open do0r for me.
so stay ad dd house. called up yetti asking her wanna come meet us but she's with her bf.
so shall meet her other dae.
hmmms. now i noe wad are important.
family, frens, dd n of cus studies (but i really not intrested.).
but not really money or anything.
sometime money cant buy anything you want. hmmms.
as for frens are there two sided kind.? (dunno)
heck care!
anyway i have many go0d frens around me now.
n i think is enough. ((:
i really dunn understand why you telling pp diff things. hais.
what should i sae. no point saying or askin much la.
ask yourself denn.
w0o0o! so happie that i met up sher val fel n amy todae.
lovess lovess.
now thinkin going where tml.
cus i think the sentosa trip will be cancel.
sher n val i think you all should concentrate more on studies alright.
you all should know wad i mean. ((:
♥ 12:59 AM